Cooking after a long time

2 03 2009

For the last one and half year, I have been eating either from my Mom or my elder sister’s kitchen as I have been very lazy to cook. But last week, I decided that I should start cooking in my own kitchen. I was not sure how the food would come out to be after the cooking. I did the food shopping last week, and yesterday I set myself to cook. And surprisingly it was not so bad. Normally if I cook after a long time, it does not come out that good for the first couple of days; but this time, it was an exception. I made spinach bhaji, daal, chicken curry with potato, and tomato sous (all Bangladeshi dishes). I had my sister and her family, and my brother eating dinner in my place. It made me feel really good. 🙂

My next plan is to try to see if I can manage to work and cook at the same time; and I am also going to try cooking different dishes; kind of like picking cooking as a new hobby. Let’s see how it goes …

P.S. There is a good Bangladeshi cooking site at Rumana’s Kitchen